Bas Lansdorp is looking for a few good Martians. The 35-year-old Dutch entrepreneur is taking applications today to be part of the four-person crew he intends to send to Mars in 2023. In press conferences and other appearances, Lansdorp says that the technology to get to the Red Planet already exists. The tricky part is coming back. And so Lansdorp has proposed a radical solution: don't come back. It's difficult to tell how seriously we should take Lansdorp's plan to build a permanent colony on the Red Planet, beginning with four pioneers in 2023 and joined by four more every two years after that.
In his press appearances, Lansdorp seems serious, if a bit high strung, and he does have a number of scientists on his advisory board. However, the logistics of getting people from here to a planet 140 million km or so away are probably a little more complicated than building a very slick social media campaign: 50% of all the Mars probes ever sent have failed for one reason or another, according to one Wikipedia tally. But whatever the Mars One expedition may or may not mean for Mars tomorrow, the enthusiasm Lansdorp has tapped does say some interesting things about life on Earth today:
78,000 people have put down money for a chance to leave the planet forever.
Since Mars One began accepting applications on April 22, 78,000 people have volunteered to go to a world where they would never again go outside, feel wind that wasn't generated by an air conditioner, or sit under a tree. They have even paid money for the chance — between $5 and $73, depending on their country, according to a website. The organisers say they have been surprised at the strength of the demand. "The response has been overwhelming and easily overshoots our initial expectations," says Aashima Dogra, editorial manager of Mars One. Assuming that only hard core science fiction junkies have heard about the expedition and these 78,000 are just the early adopters, it becomes easy to imagine that they may end up being just a fraction of the number of people who will eventually sign up before the application deadline closes in August.
Many of the candidates don't really live here anyway.
As part of the application, candidates must submit a short video, some of which are posted on the Mars One site. I've looked at some of these videos, and they're an interesting mix. Most of the candidates are young and seem deeply bored with their current lives. They're people like Denise, a serious 29-year-old German army veteran who emigrated to Australia in 2007, probably not with the intention of ending up as the deputy manager of a supermarket. The group has a higher number of engineers than in an ordinary sample, probably because a serious interest in science fiction seems like kind of a prerequisite to apply, but otherwise, few applicants seem to have any special skills. Ilya, a 24-year-old Russian who says the expedition should hire him in part because "I'm a really great cook." Mubashshir, an Indian, says he should be chosen, "because I am extraordinarily kind". Others are more like Noman, a 20-year-old Indian now living in South Africa, who says "I always had a feeling inside me that I was born on this planet for a special reason."
Most of the applicants are Americans.
Just judging from the number of video applications posted on the website, the country with the most applicants seems to be the United States: five Indian videos have been posted, 12 Chinese, and maybe 100 Americans. The preponderance of Americans is perhaps no surprise, and not just because Americans tend to find it easier to embrace the new, new thing. Given that Americans work longer hours than anybody in the industrial world and several surveys say they spend an average of 94% of their day inside a building or inside a vehicle, the idea of giving up the cubicle may not be all that frightening — particularly when you consider the high level of job security that would go along with being a Martian colonist.
The future has been privatised.
John F. Kennedy once inspired a nation to go to the moon. Today, it's people like Lansdorp, and they're trying to inspire the whole world. Entrepreneurs Richard Branson of Virgin Airways and Elon Musk of SpaceX have their own space travel businesses under development, and former space tourist Dennis Tito, another tycoon, is trying to raise money for a 2018 fly-by expedition.
The future is multinational — sort of.
Although the Mars One team is accepting applications from all over the world, the fine print stipulates you have to speak fairly good English. Like Star Trek, ethnicity is a good thing, but within certain limits.
It's about the show.
The English is important, and not just because there aren't that many astronauts who can say, "Rotterdam, we have a problem", in Dutch. The hundreds of videos on the Mars One site aren't beside the point; they are the point. Beyond the one-way trip, Landsdorp's second insight has been to realise that a Mars expedition would not just be one giant step for mankind, but a giant step for reality TV. The ultimate organiser of this venture is a nonprofit called the Mars One Foundation, but it's the controlling shareholder in a Dutch company handling the expedition, the Interplanetary Media Group.
Lansdorp is betting that he can finance what he estimates will be a $6-billion expedition as the ultimate reality TV series. In a world where the TV rights for the Olympics can sell for several billion, why couldn't you sell a Mars landing to the same distributors? 'It sounds like a lot of money. And actually it is a lot of money. But imagine what will happen when the first people land on Mars. Literally everybody on the globe will want to see it," Lansdorp has said. Ultimately, for Lansdorp, the crucial question is less, who can I find who will give me $6 billion to go to Mars, than, who would pay a buck to see it? As the comedienne Mae West said, "If I can't find a man with a million dollars, I'll find a million men with one dollar."
Couch potatoes turn patrons.
Beyond sales of broadcast rights and memorabilia — the Mars expedition may not have its space suits worked out yet, but you can buy state-of-the-art hoodies, t-shirts, and coffee mugs — the group is also accepting donations. As of April 29, they had raised $37,000 from the US and $7,000 from the UK, which, after all, are the world's biggest exporters of science fiction. (Indians seem a bit more sceptical — $159 — but not so much as the Dominican Republic: Dominicans have contributed a grand total of $1, thus far.) That isn't much of a down payment on $6 billion, but the Donate button is also a sign of the times.
Patrons have been part of art and science for thousands of years, but the internet is making it easier for people to raise money for all kinds of schemes, through websites such as, where since 2009, 4 million people have pledged $596 million for 44,000 creative projects, such as sending an artist to the North Pole or helping a band finish an album. Start-ups are cashing in on the "crowd funding" trend too. Lansdorp's former company, Ampyx Power, a Dutch wind power company that is developing a system that will use tethered gliders that generate electricity by catching faster and more reliable high-altitude wind currents, has also set up ways for small investors to make tiny investments in their venture.
Being a space colonist looks suspiciously like sitting at home in front of the TV.
Being a space dude used to involve blasting lasers, wrestling with aliens, and flirting with ladies painted an alarming shade of green. Now, off-planet possibilities look considerably less exciting. In Mars One mock-ups, a robot crew will have a lot of things set up before the settlers get there, including the atmosphere, the greenhouse, and the living quarters. The Mars One website features pictures of couches and big picture windows looking out on a red desert, looking like a sort of high-tech dude ranch. This should worry the Mars One impresarios, particularly if the colonists get along all right. How do you keep the TV drama going, particularly if couples and children are discouraged in the colony's early years? As one person in the media launch asked, "What the f**k are you going to do on Mars for the rest of your life?"
One answer might be, not much. For one thing, human beings don't seem to do very well in lowgravity environments. Jerry Linger, a Nasa astronaut who spent four months in Russia's Mir space station in 1997, told Canada's National Post that the astronauts tend to have a hard time sleeping in the space station. "It's kind of like you're wiped out after New Year's Eve, kind of like a hangover or something," he said. For another, living in close quarters tends not to bring out the best in people. In a 2011 simulation project, a six-man multinational crew lived 520 days in a simulated space capsule in Moscow to test the psycho-social effects of a Martian voyage. According to some reports, the crew experienced a number of periods where they had become increasingly withdrawn and lethargic, and there are some funny pictures of the intrepid crew zonked out in front of a TV. French "simul-naut" Romain Charles, on exit, advised astronauts attempting future voyages to always stay busy, "and don't forget your e-reader."
They're looking at the wrong end of the telescope.
Start-ups are notorious for not seeing the real value of their innovation, and Mars One may be no exception. As the futurist Buckminster Fuller used to note, we're already in space. Our six billion neighbours already constitute an incredible reality TV programme, one that includes some nice scenery and plenty of drama. What we've lacked for the past 150 years or so however is a civilised way to vote people off the island. In the past, Europe might send a Napoleon to a distant island and Great Britain might pack its convicts off to Australia, but in today's global village, the non-violent disposal of the unpopular tends to be difficult.
That's where Mars One could come in, by helping improve our own reality show right here. Rather than find people who want to go, they should look for people the world would like to send. There are precedents, even before Elba: the ancient Athenians had just such a reverse-popularity contest every year. Each citizen would take a piece of a pot and write on it the name of someone he would like to see banished. Anyone who collected 6,000 nominations was sent away for 10 years. These banished people were not convicted for a crime so they could make no defence — they were just told essentially that the people had decided it would be better if they went away.
Sometimes, there were political reasons for what they called an ostracism. Other times, they just seem to have gotten tired of particular individuals. One anecdote has it that Aristides the Just, an Athenian who was sent away, recalled helping an illiterate man who did not know him write Aristides on his pot shard, and when he asked what he had against Aristides, the man said he was just tired of hearing this guy Aristides called "the just". Who would not be missed? Silvio Berlusconi or Kim Jong-un of North Korea could go. Eighty percent of the French are ready to send Francois Hollande. Non-political celebrities too might make the grade: Justin Bieber, for instance, and then there's that British boy band, the conveniently branded group One Direction. The real challenge would be limiting the number of candidates to four.
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